Competition is a strong incentive to industry. 竞争给产业以有力的刺激。
But there had been little incentive for the global chemical industry to gasify coal until prices began soaring for natural gas and oil. 但是直到天然气和石油的价格大幅上涨之后,全球化学工业才有了开展煤炭气化业务的动力。
There has been outrage over celebrity tax-dodging in the UK but the tax avoidance schemes usually involve a government attempt to provide a tax incentive for the British film industry or some other hobbyhorse. 人们对英国名人逃税感到愤怒,但此类避税项目通常牵涉到政府为英国电影业或其他娱乐业提供税收激励的企图。
Elsewhere, incentive schemes could leave the industry with a painful hangover when they expire. 而在其它地区,刺激计划结束后,可能会给汽车业留下痛苦的不适感。
Without gas price reforms there is little financial incentive to develop the industry. 如果没有页岩气价格改革,这个行业就缺乏开发的经济动力。
The cheapest cost of production and government fiscal incentive for local industry. 最低生产成本,政府优惠财政政策。
How to use a good incentive mechanism well will become the Insurance industry an important issue that it is to be face. 如何运用好激励机制也就成为保险业业面临的一个十分重要的问题。
Fiscal and Tax Incentive Policy on the Chinese Resource-renewable Energy Industry 对促进可再生能源产业发展财税政策的探讨
Two-dimensional Weighting Stock Ownership Incentive for Idiosyncratic Human Capital; of secondary industry, 106.37 billion yuan, up by 12.8 percent; 论异质型人力资本二元加权股权激励第二产业1063.7亿元,增长12.8%;
Incentive Regulation of Power Industry 电力产业激励性管制机制
Analysis of the Incentive Regulation in the Telecommunication Industry 激励性规制在电信产业中的应用分析
Making incentive policy for the whole industry. Guiding Skill 研究行业的整体鼓励引导政策
Predicament analysis of incentive contract of silver-decoration industry 银饰品行业特许经营困境解析
Through expounding the theories of price ceiling and yardstick competition of incentive regulation, this paper analyzes on the practice of the regulation for the electric power industries in the west developed countries, and probes into the enlightenment of incentive design to Chinese electric power industry. 通过对激励性规制价格上限和标尺竞争理论的概述,分析了西方发达国家电力产业规制的实践,探讨了激励性设计对我国电力产业的启示。
MICE ( meeting, incentive, convention& exhibition) industry has been a mature one in developed countries, and convention tourism also has been becoming one of the fastest tourism market. 会议业(MICE)在发达国家已经是比较成熟的产业,会议旅游也已成为国际旅游业中发展最快的市场之一。
As a result, strengthening the research on the incentive on innovative talents in china automobile industry, designing suitable incentive system are helpful to automobile enterprises attract talents and enhance competitiveness. 因此,加强对我国汽车企业技术创新人才的激励研究,对技术创新人才进行合理的制度激励设计,有助于我国汽车企业吸引人才,提高竞争力。
So, the aims of this paper are: first, the effect of the intensity of incentive regulation policy to industry efficiency is discussed; 基于上述分析,本文的研究目的在于:首先,通过对激励强度与激励绩效相互关系的分析,从理论上探讨激励规制政策强度对电信产业绩效的影响程度;
As a result of this, the article establishes incentive regulation pattern of natural monopoly industry of China. 有鉴于此,论文建立了中国自然垄断产业激励规制模式。
The Study on Stock Option as an Incentive Plan in Telecommunication Industry in China 股票期权在我国电信企业激励制度中的应用分析
The Performance of Incentive Regulation in Chinese Telecommunication Industry 中国电信产业的激励规制绩效分析
Relative performance ranking, the tournament incentive methold in investment fund industry. 基金业特有的锦标赛激励制度&相对业绩排序。
Mode of incentive regulation was introduced into electricity industry in the later of 1980s, which also has been applied successfully in many countries. 20世纪80年代后期激励性规制模式被引入到电力产业中,并在很多国家的应用中取得了成功。
A Research on Performance Appraisal Mechanism and Incentive Mechanism for Cadres in Power Industry 电力行业领导干部绩效考评机制和激励机制研究
The incentive regulation in Chinese telecommunication industry is the low intensity regulation. This will lead to the low efficiency in telecommunication industry and the loss of social benefit. 我国电信产业目前所实施的激励规制基本属于低强度的激励规制,规制竞争的缺乏及相应的激励不足,易导致规制结果与其初衷相背离,导致产业效率的低下和社会福利的损失。
Study on the Strategic Values and the Regulating and Incentive Mechanisms of Environmental Protection Industry 环保产业的战略价值与调控激励机制探讨
Taking incentive innovation and development of high-tech industry as an economic activity, we must understand its market nature well. 激励创新、发展高新技术产业作为一项经济活动,必须深刻了解其市场特性。
Moral Hazard, Incentive Mechanism and Regulation in Electricity Industry 道德风险、激励机制与电力行业规制
Risk Aversion Tendency and Merger Incentive in IT Industry 风险规避倾向与IT产业的兼并动机
It mainly analyzes the development, the characteristics, the problems, the influencing factors, the importance, and the incentive system concerning the modern service industry spatial cluster. 主要包括分析大连市现代服务业空间集聚的发展历程、特征问题、影响因素及其重要性评价、动力机制等内容。
Is the equity incentive program design of information technology industry reasonable in our country? What about the implementation effect of the equity incentive program? Doing research on these problems has very important practical significance. 在我国,信息技术行业的股权激励设计是否合理?执行效果如何?对这些问题的研究具有十分重要的实践意义。